Trains to and from Metz Nancy Airport (ETZ)

You have a few options to travel from Nancy-Ville station to Metz Nancy Lorraine Airport by train. The journey typically involves a combination of train and bus transportation.

Take a train from Nancy-Ville station to Metz-Ville station, the main train station in Metz. The train ride usually takes around 30 minutes, but the duration may vary depending on the train and schedule.

Once you arrive at Metz-Ville station, you must transfer to a bus to reach Metz Nancy Airport. The airport is located approximately 25 kilometers away from the city center, so public transportation is the most convenient option.

Several bus companies operate services between Metz-Ville station and the airport. One popular option is the "Metrolor" bus, which connects directly between Metz-Ville station and the airport. The journey takes around 30 minutes, which may vary based on traffic conditions and the bus schedule.

As for fares, the train ticket cost from Nancy-Ville station to Metz-Ville station will depend on factors such as the class of travel and how far in advance you book. On average, a one-way ticket costs range from around €8 to €15.

The ticket price typically ranges from around €2 to €5 for the bus portion of the journey. However, checking the official websites or contacting the bus companies directly for the most up-to-date pricing information is recommended.

The train and bus combination provides a convenient and cost-effective way to travel from Nancy-Ville station to Metz Nancy Lorraine Airport. It's advisable to check the train and bus schedules in advance at to plan your journey accordingly and ensure a smooth trip.

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